quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012

Two And A Half Men

Sinopse: Charlie Harper (Charlie Sheen, “Spin City”) é um solteirão bem de vidaque vive numa casa na praia, tem um belo carro na garagem e tem uma grande facilidade de conquistar as mulheres. Seu estilo de vida casual em Malibu é interrompido quando seu irmãoo Alan (Jon Cryer), que está no meio de um divórcio, e seu sobrinho de 10 anos Jake (Angus T. Jones), chegam para morar com ele. Melanie Lynskey, Conchata Ferrell, Charlie Sheen, Angus T. Jones, Holland Taylor, Jon Cryer e Marin Hinkle Para complicar ainda mais as coisas, há também a obcecada e controladora mãe de Charlie e Alan, Evelyn (Holland Taylor); a afastada mulher de Alan, Judith (Marin Hinkle, “Once and Again”), que “acredita” que é gay; e a atraente e meio estranha vizinha Rose (Melanie Lynskey), que teve um breve romance com Charlie e estão determinada a estar presente na vida dele custe o que custar.Apesar desse estranho relacionamento, Charlie e Alan descobrem que ambos tem uma coisa em comum: eles amam Jake e querem o melhor para ele. Os irmãos concordam em criar um lar adequado para Jake na casa de Charlie, e juntos esses dois homens e meio encaram os desafios de (em alguns casos, finalmente) se tornarem adultos.
1. Temporada RMVB Legendado
1×01 – Pilot -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×02 – Big Flappy Bastards -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×03 – Go East on Sunset Until You Reach the Gates of Hell ->BitShare – FileReactor
1×04 – If I Can’t Write My Chocolate Song I’m Going to Take a Nap -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×05 – The Last Thing You Want Is to Wind Up With a Hump ->BitShare – FileReactor
1×06 – Did You Check With The Captain Of The Flying Monkeys ->BitShare – FileReactor
1×07 – If They Do Go Either Way, They’re Usually Fake ->BitShare – FileReactor
1×08 – Twenty-Five Little Pre-pubers Without A Snoot-ful ->BitShare – FileReactor
1×09 – Phase One Complete -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×10 – Merry Thanksgiving -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×11 – Alan Harper,Frontier Chiropractor -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×12 – Camel filters + pheromones -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×13 – Sara Like Puny Alan -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×14 – I Can’t afford Hyenas -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×15 – Round One To The Hot Crazy Chick -> BitShare –FileReactor
1×16 – That Was Saliva, Alan -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×17 – Ate the Hamburguers Wearing Hats -> BitShare –FileReactor
1×18 – An Old Flame With A New Wick -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×19 – I Remember The Coatroom I Just don’t Remember You ->BitShare – FileReactor
1×20 – Hey I Can Pee Outside In The Dark -> BitShare –FileReactor
1×21 – No Sniffing, No Wowing -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×22 – My Doctor Has a Cow Puppet -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×23 – Just Like Buffalo -> BitShare – FileReactor
1×24 – Can You Feel My Finger -> BitShare –FileReactor
2. Temporada RMVB Legendado
2×01 – Back Off, Mary Poppins -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×02 – Enjoy Those garlic Balls -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×03 – A Bag Full Of Jawea -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×04 – Go, Get Mommy -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×05 – Bad News From Clinic -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×06 – The Price of Health Gums is Eternal Vigilance -> BitShare –FileReactor
2×07 – A Kosher Slaughterhouse Out in Fontana -> BitShare –FileReactor
2×08 – Frankenstein and the Horny Villages -> BitShare –FileReactor
2×09 – Yes, Monsignor! -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×10 – Salmon Under My Sweater -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×11 – Last Chance to See Those Tatoos -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×12 – A Lungful of Alan -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×13 – Get Off My Hair -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×14 – Those Big Pink Things with Coconut -> BitShare –FileReactor
2×15 – Smell the Umbrella Stand -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×16 – Can you Eat Human Flesh with Wooden Teeth? -> BitShare– FileReactor
2×17 – Woo-Hoo, A Hernia-Exam! -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×18 – It Was Mame, Mom -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×19 – A Low, Gutteral Tongue-Flapping Noise -> BitShare –FileReactor
2×20 – I Always Wanted a Shaved Monkey -> BitShare –FileReactor
2×21 – A Sympathetic Crotch to Cry On -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×22 – That Old Hose Bag Is My Mother -> BitShare – FileReactor
2×23 – Squab, Squab, Squab, Squab, Squab -> BitShare –FileReactor
2×24 – Does This Smell Funny to You? -> BitShare– FileReactor
3. Temporada RMVB Legendado
3×01 – Weekend in Bangkok with Two Olympic Gymnasts ->BitShare – FileReactor
3×02 – Principal Gallagher’s Lesbian Lover -> BitShare –FileReactor
3×03 – Carpet Burns and a Bite Mark -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×04 – Your Dismissive Attitude Toward Boobs -> BitShare –FileReactor
3×05 – We Called it Mr. Pinky! -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×06 – Hi, Mr. Horned One! -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×07 – Sleep Tigh, Puddin’ Pop -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×08 – That Voodoo That I Do -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×09 – Madame and Her Special Friend -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×10 – Something Salted and Twisted -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×11 – Santa’s Village of the Damned -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×12 – That Special Tug -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×13 – Humiliation is a Visual Medium -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×14 – Love Isn’t Blind, It’s Retarded -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×15 – My Tongue is Meat -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×16 – Ergo The Booty Call -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×17 – The Unfortunate Little Schnauser -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×18 – The Spit-Covered Cobbler -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×19 – Golly Moses, She’s A Muffin -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×20 – Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Burro -> BitShare –FileReactor
3×21 – And the Plot Moistens -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×22 – Just Once With Aunt Sophie -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×23 – Arguments for the Quickie -> BitShare – FileReactor
3×24 – That Pistol-Packin’ Hermaphrodite ->BitShare – FileReactor
4. Temporada RMVB Legendado
4×01 – Working for Caligula -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×02 – Who’s Vod Kanockers -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×03 – The Sea is a Harsh Mistress -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×04 – A Pot Smoking Monkey -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×05 – A Live Women of Proven Fertility -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×06 – Apologies for the Frivolity -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×07 – Repeated Blows to his Unformed Head -> BitShare –FileReactor
4×08 – Release the Dogs -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×09 – Corey Been Dead For an Hour -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×10 – Kissing Abraham Lincoln -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×11 – Walnuts and Demerol -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×12 – Castrating Sheep in Montana -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×13 – Don’t Worry, Speed Racer! -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×14 – That’s Summer Sausage, Not Salami -> BitShare –FileReactor
4×15 – My Damn Stalker -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×16 – Young People Have Phlegm Too -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×17 – I Merely Slept With a Commie -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×18 – It Never Rains in Hooterville -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×19 – Smooth as a Ken Doll -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×20 – Aunt Myra Doesn’t Pee a Lot -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×21 – Tucked, Taped and Gorgeous -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×22 – Mr. McGlue’s Feedbag -> BitShare – FileReactor
4×23 – Anteaters. They´re Just Crazy-lookin -> BitShare –FileReactor
4×24 – Prostitutes and Gelato -> BitShare –FileReactor
5. Temporada RMVB Legendado
5×01 – Large Birds, Spiders and Mom -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×02 – Media Room Slash Dungeon -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×03 – Dum Diddy Dum Diddy Doo -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×04 – City of Great Racks -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×05 – Putting Swim Fins on a Cat -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×06 – Help Daddy Find His Toenail -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×07 – The Leather Gear is in the Guest Room -> BitShare –FileReactor
5×08 – Is There a Mrs. Waffles? -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×09 – Shoes, Hats, Pickle, Jar Lids. -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×10 – Kinda Like Necrophilia -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×11 – Meander To Your Dander -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×12 – A Little Clammy and None Too Fresh -> BitShare –FileReactor
5×13 – The Soil is Moist -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×14 – Winky-Dink Time -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×15 – Rough Night in Hump Junction -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×16 – Look at Me, Mommy, I´m Prett -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×17 – Fish In A Drawer -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×18 – If My Hole Could Talk -> BitShare – FileReactor
5×19 – Waiting for the Right Snapper -> BitShare– FileReactor
6. Temporada RMVB Legendado
6×01 – Taterhead Is Our Love Child? -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×02 – Pie Hole, Herb -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×03 – Damn You, Eggs Benedict -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×04 – The Flavin’ and the Mavin’ -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×05 – A Jock Strap in Hell -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×06 – It’s Always Nazi Week -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×07 – Best Ho Money Can Buy -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×08 – Pinocchio’s Mouth -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×09 – The Mooch At The Boo -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×10 – He Smelled The Ham He Got Excited -> BitShare –FileReactor
6×11 – The Devil’s Lube -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×12 – Thank God for Scoliosis -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×13 – I Think You Offended Don -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×14 – David Copp -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×15 – I’d Like The Cat First -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×16 – She’ll Still Be Dead At Halftime -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×17 – The ‘Ocu’ Or The ‘Pado’? -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×18 – My Son’s Enormous Head -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×19 – The Two Finger Rule -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×20 – Hello, I am Alan Cousteau -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×21 – Above Exalted Cyclops -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×22 – Sir Lancelot’s Littler Box -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×23 – Good Morning, Mrs. Butterworth -> BitShare – FileReactor
6×24 – Baseball Better with Steroids -> BitShare– FileReactor
7. Temporada RMVB Legendado
7×01 – 818-jklpuzo -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×02 – Whipped Unto the Third Generation -> BitShare –FileReactor
7×03 – Mmm, fish. Yum. -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×04 – Laxative Tester, Horse Inseminator -> BitShare –FileReactor
7×05 – For the Sake of the Child -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×06 – Give Me Your Thumb -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×07 – Untainted by Filth -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×08 – Gorp. Fnark. Schmegle. -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×09 – Captain Terry’s Spray-On Hair -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×10 – That’s Why They Call It Ball Room -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×11 – Warning, It’s Dirty -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×12 – Fart Jokes, Pie and Celeste -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×13 – Yay, No Polyps! -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×14 – Crude and Uncalled For -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×15 – Aye, Aye, Captain -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×16 – Tinkle Like a Princess -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×17 – I Found Your Moustache -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×18 – Ixnay on the Oggie Day -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×19 – Keith Moon is Vomiting in his Grave -> BitShare –FileReactor
7×20 – I Called Him Magoo -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×21 – Gumby with a Pokey -> BitShare – FileReactor
7×22 – This Is Not Gonna End Well -> BitShare –FileReactor
8. Temporada RMVB Legendado
S08E01 – Three Girls and a Guy Named Bud -> BitShare –FileReactor
S08E02 – A Bottle of Wine and a Jackhammer -> BitShare –FileReactor
S08E03 – A Pudding-Filled Cactus -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E04 – Hookers, Hookers, Hookers -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E05 – The Immortal Mr. Billy Joel -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E06 – Twanging Your Magic Clanger -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E07 – The Crazy Bitch Gazette -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E08 – Springtime on a Stick -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E09 – A Good Time in Central Africa -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E10 – Ow, Ow, Don’t Stop -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E11 – Dead From the Waist Down -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E12 – Chocolate Diddlers or My Puppy’s Dead -> BitShare –FileReactor
S08E13 – Skunk, Dog Crap and Ketchup -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E14 – Lookin’ for Japanese Subs -> BitShare – FileReactor
S08E15 – Three Hookers and a Philly Cheesesteak -> BitShare –FileReactor
S08E16 – That Darn Priest -> BitShare –FileReactor
9. Temporada RMVB Legendado
S09E01 – Nice to Meet You, Walden Schmidt -> BitShare
S09E02 – People Who Love Peepholes -> BitShare
S09E03 – Big Girls Don’t Throw Food -> BitShare
S09E04 – Nine Magic Fingers -> BitShare
S09E05 – A Giant Cat Holding Churro -> BitShare
S09E06 – The Squat and The Hover -> BitShare
S09E07 – Those Fancy Japanese Toilets -> BitShare
S09E08 – Thanks for the Intercourse -> BitShare
S09E09 – Frodo’s Headshots -> BitShare
S09E10 – A Fishbowl Full of Glass Eyes -> BitShare
S09E11 – A Lovely Landing Strip -> BitShare
S09E12 – One False Move, Zimbabwe! -> BitShare
S09E13 – Slowly And In A Circular Fashion -> BitShare
S09E14 – A Possum on Chemo -> BitShare
S09E15 – The Duchess of Dull-in-Sack -> BitShare
S09E16 – Sips, Sonnets And Sodomy -> BitShare
S09E17 – Not In My Mouth -> BitShare
S09E18 – The War Against Gingivitis -> BitShare
S09E19 – Palmdale, Ech -> BitShare
S09E20 – Grandma’s Pie -> BitShare
S09E21 – Mr. Hose Says ‘Yes’ -> BitShare
S09E22 – Why We Gave Up Women -> BitShare
S09E23 – The Straw in My Donut Hole -> BitShare
S09E24 – Oh, Look! Al-Qaeda! -> BitShare

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